Thursday, April 27, 2006

Quota Bhoot

Again the “bhoot” of quotas have come up. Now the targets are the elite institutions around the country like IIMs and IITs. Why do we need to know the caste of the student who is coming in for studies? Look at his damn merit card or marks thats it. How much are we gonna pamper this so called Lower Class people. Every you go, they have a quota, in jobs, education, everywhere. I think slowly we are gonna reach a stage where there would be quota for general category and open for the lower class people. In the very first place remove the column of caste, religion from the application forms. Why the hell does one need to know the caste or religion of student or job seeker? Better judge him by his merits thats it. Hundreds of brilliant students loose out or dont get admission to medical colleges where quotas are in state. The lower class people take admission and almost 50% of them drop out after 1st year, so those all seats are a waste. Instead if it was given to a person on merit basis and who really deserved it then would have been a fruitful one. There are bright students in OBC and backward classes too, they study get good marks and get admission. A general category student needs to score 95% and above for medical while the same by OBC and lower class can be obtained for 60%. Is this fair? These politicians are doing the quota for their bread and butter and their “khursis” they damn care about the OBC or backward class people. I sternly oppose the quota system and all in all remove column of religion and caste from all the application forms of government, instituational, etc. etc.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Narmada Bachao Andolan - Is it really needed?

Narmada Bachao Andolan - A brief introduction

Here is an excerpt of the introduction on website

We recognise the complexity of the issues involved. However, once one cuts through all the rhetoric, lies and subterfuge of the vested interests, the gross inequities are clear. Large numbers of poor and underprivileged communities (mostly tribals and dalits) are being dispossessed of their livelihood and even their ways of living to make way for dams being built on the basis of incredibly dubious claims of common benefit and "national interest". For us, this is simply immoral and therefore unacceptable. No purported benefits can be used to justify the denial of the fundamental rights of individuals in a democratic society. And given the evidence of past megadam schemes in India and elsewhere and what has already happened in the Narmada Valley, we believe that the promised benefits will never be realised.

A quick look at the ground reality would disabuse anyone of the real nature of the dam-builder's enterprise. Large dams imply large budgets for related projects leading to large profits for a small group of people. A mass of research shows that even on purely technical grounds, large dams have been colossal failures. While they have delivered only a fraction of their purported benefits, they have had an extremely devastating effect on the riverine ecosystem and have rendered destitute large numbers of people (whose entire sustenance and modes of living are centered around the river). For no large dam in India has it been shown that the resettled people have been provided with just compensation and rehabilitation. At a more abstract level, the questions that arise in the Narmada Struggle challenge the dominant model of development (of which Sardar Sarovar dam is a prime example) that holds out the chimerical promise of material wealth through modernisation but perpetuates an inequitous distribution of resources and wreaks social and environmental havoc.

We would like to emphasise that the water problems of drought-prone areas of Gujarat, like Kutch, Saurashtra and North Gujarat (the Government's raison d'etre for the dam) are admittedly real. However given the nature of the plans for Sardar Sarovar, it will never solve these problems. On the contrary, in the shadow of the costliest project ever undertaken in India, it is unlikely that alternative schemes that would genuinely address these problems would be implemented. Sardar Sarovar takes up over 80% of Gujarat's irrigation budget but has only 1.6% of cultivable land in Kutch, 9% of cultivable land in Saurashtra and 20% cultivable land in North Gujarat in its command area. Moreover, these areas are at the tail-end of the command and would get water only after all the area along the canal path get their share of the water, and that too after 2020 AD. In summary, all available indicators suggest that these needy areas are never going to benefit from the Sardar Sarovar Project.

In simple terms, the struggle over the river Narmada holds a mirror to our national face and challenges our commitment to professed ideals of justice, equality and democracy.

A per my reading, the NBA (Narmada Bachao Andolan) is opposing because the feel the various state governments are not rehabilating the Adivasis who are affected by the Dam.

Here is the overview of the Rehabilitation given to the individual Adivasi family:


  • Grant of minimum 2 ha. of land for agricultural purpose of the size equal to the area of land acquired.
  • Every co-sharer would also be eligible for 2 ha. per family.
  • Every landless agricultural laborer in the area going under submergence would be entitled to 2 ha. per family.
  • Encroachers on Government land and even those encroaching forest lands in the area going under submergence would be entitled for 2 ha. of land.
  • Every major son of all above categories would also be treated as a separate family and be entitled to a 2 ha. of land for agriculture purpose.
  • Every family would be provided residential plot of 500 sq.m. free of cost.
  • Cash compensation of land going under submergence.
  • Resettlement grant will be payable at Rs. 750/- per family which will be increased at eight per cent per annum to account for escalation considering January, 1980 as the base year.
  • For construction of plinth Rs. 10,000 per family.
  • Subsistence allowance Rs. 4,500/- per family.
  • Grant for ploughing / tractorising fields Rs. 600/- per family.
  • Grant for purchase of productive assets (bullocks) agricultural implements Rs. 7,000/- per family.
  • Roof tiles equivalent to roof area of house or each family or 85 sq.m. whichever is less free of cost.
  • Transportation of dismantled building materials and household kits, to new sites free of cost.
  • House electrification up to 1.5 point for both housed and huts in farms free of cost.
  • 30 sq.m. temporary shelter of C.C.I. sheet per outsee family on house plots free of cost.
  • Insurance for (1) huts and dwelling Rs. 5,000/- (2) for contents including own belonging Rs. 1,000/- insurance for personal accident (I) Death Rs. 6,000/- (ii) loss of use of two limbs or two eyes or one limb and one eye Rs. 6,000/- (iii) Loss of use of one limbs or one eye Rs. 3,000/- (iv) permanent total disablement from injuries other than above Rs. 6,000/-.
  • House at 45 sq.m. at the cost of Rs. 45,000/- in lieu of tinshed, plinth and roof tiles will be provided free of cost.

source -

This are the benifits to individual, then there are other rehabilitation plans for the community as a whole.

If we consider that the Governments have provided individual and / or community 50% of the above benefits mentioned. Then one simple question comes to ones mind “Did this adivasis ever in life would have grown to this extent which they have through the rehabilitation?”.

Even if we dont consider this, for progress we need to sacrifice, infact everyone has to sacrifice.

Also for the sake of 35000 families we are putting at stake millions of families. Is that fair enough to call for an “Andolan”. And the affected people will get atleast something if not 100% of what is claimed by Government, but if the dam isnt completed then people of Gujarat regions like Suarashtra, Kutch and north Gujarat will not be compensated at all in any other mean.

The NBA says that waters of Narmada wont reach Saurashtra or Kutch before 2020 A.D. Infact the waters of Narmada are already flowing in the Sabarmati river passing through Ahmedabad, which has filled the Sabarmati banks with water which were dried out till last year.

If the height of the dam is raised to the orginal proposed height then water of Narmada will reach Saurashtra and Kutch by natural gravitation through canals.

The estimated benifits if the dam is constructed to full proposed height of 163 M. are as follows:


The Sardar Sarovar Project will provide irrigation facilities to 17.93 lac ha. of land, covering 3112 villages of 73 talukas in 15 districts of Gujarat. It will also irrigate 75,000 ha. of land in the strategic desert districts of Barmer and Jallore in Rajasthan and 37,500 ha. in the tribal hilly tract of Maharashtra through lift. About 75% of the command area in Gujarat is drought prone while entire command (75,000 ha.) in Rajasthan is drought prone. Assured water supply will soon make this area drought proof.

Drinking Water

A special allocation of 0.86 MAF of water has been made to provide drinking water to 135 urban centres and 8215 villages (45% of total 18144 villages of Gujarat) within and out-side command in Gujarat for present population of 18 million and prospective population of over 40 million by the year 2021. All the villages and urban centres of arid region of Saurashtra and Kachchh and all "no source" villages and the villages affected by salinity and fluoride in North Gujarat will be benefited. Water supply requirement of several industries will also be met from the project giving a boost to all-round production

Power Generation

There will be two power houses viz. River bed power house and canal head power house with an installed capacity of 1200 MW and 250 MW respectively. The power would be shared by three states - Madhya Pradesh - 57%, Maharashtra - 27% and Gujarat 16%. This will provide a useful paking power to western grid of the country which has very limited hydel power production at present.

A series of micro hydel power stations are also planned on the branch canals where convenient falls are available.

Flood Protection here will be two power houses viz. River bed power house and canal head power house with an installed capacity of 1200 MW and 250 MW respectively. The power would be shared by three states - Madhya Pradesh - 57%, Maharashtra - 27% and Gujarat 16%. This will provide a useful paking power to western grid of the country which has very limited hydel power production at present.

A series of micro hydel power stations are also planned on the branch canals where convenient falls are available.

Flood protection

It will also provide flood protection to riverine reaches measuring 30,000 ha. covering 210 villages and Bharuch city and a population of 4.0 lac in Gujarat.

After reading the facts and figures, do we feel that should we oppose the Narmada Dam construction and support NBA.

Save 35000 families or millions of families.

Should we see progress of millions of family and farmers who will be financially stronger by cultivating land because of avialable water or save 35000 adivasi families.

Its not that we say that we should ignore them, their rehabilitation should be done 100% but by placing hurdles in the dams work we are benifiting nobody. Infact fight with Governments and officials that the eligible adivasis get their rights from Government.

Today was again a sad day for SSNL as the central government has laid arms against few opposers of dam and stalled the work of the dam.

I think we are being very narrow sighted then being foresighted.

This are my views for the SSNL every individual has his own views.